We're dedicated to providing you with convenience and affordability when ordering items from India 🇮🇳. To ensure our customers can get the help they need, we've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about our services!
  • How much time it takes for items to ship ? 

         Our Indore office strives towards a speedy service, with most orders shipped on the same day for your convenience for a single city. for multiple city it takes one day extra

  • when I will get my items ? 
.      Our diligent efforts are ensuring that our customers receive their items as quickly as possible - typically within a week.
    • Am I responsible to pay any duty or custom ? 

            If you are importing items for your own use in the United States, no import taxes or duties need to be paid!

    • I dont see my items in the list ? 
           Indore is where it all begins  but currently we are serving in three states. Madhya pradesh Gujarat Rajasthan. if you're  in this area and want to sell the items please reach out to us in Info@indiashopping.io 
    • I am a store owner how do I get listed in the Indiashopping.io ? 
           Ready to become part of our family? Submit your store information here and one of our friendly representatives will follow up with you soon.
      If you have more question please email us at  info@indiashopping.io